Frequently asked questions

We've answered some of your queries here.

Follow these 6 steps and you’ll get your Help Scout account up and running in no time. If you'd like to get a full tour of Help Scout and all its features, attend one of our weekly live demos or take a video tour.

Follow these 6 steps and you’ll get your Help Scout account up and running in no time. If you'd like to get a full tour of Help Scout and all its features, attend one of our weekly live demos or take a video tour.

Follow these 6 steps and you’ll get your Help Scout account up and running in no time. If you'd like to get a full tour of Help Scout and all its features, attend one of our weekly live demos or take a video tour.

Follow these 6 steps and you’ll get your Help Scout account up and running in no time. If you'd like to get a full tour of Help Scout and all its features, attend one of our weekly live demos or take a video tour.

Follow these 6 steps and you’ll get your Help Scout account up and running in no time. If you'd like to get a full tour of Help Scout and all its features, attend one of our weekly live demos or take a video tour.

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